A.T.H Í dag er enginn hundur til á landinu af tegundinni Polski Owczarek Nizinny .
Polski Owczarek Nizinny
Eins og nafnið gefur til kynna er upprunaland tegundarinnar Pólland. Polish Lowland Sheepdog er fremur sjaldgæf tegund og á ættir sínar að rekja til Hungarian Puli og annarra asískra fjárhunda eins og Tibetan Terrier. Smok z Kordegardy er einn frægasti hundurinn og er talinn „fa ð ir“ nútíma PONsins. Þ ar sem tegundin dó nærri þ ví út í seinni heimstyrjöldinni í Póllandi voru a ð eins fáir hundar eftir og var Smok nota ð ur til þ ess a ð koma tegundinni aftur á koppinn þ egar pólska hundaræktarfélagi ð var stofna ð ári ð 1948. Tegundin var mjög innræktu ð en útlit hennar hélst heildstætt, án nokkurra erf ð argalla.
Polski Owczarek Nizinny eru með alstórir hundar, u.þ.b. 16-18 kílógröm og 42–50 sentimetrar á hæð að herðakambi. Feldurinn er þeirra helsta einkenni en síð og gróf hár þekja allan líkamann. Allir litir eru leyfðir samkvæmt ræktunarmarkmiðum FCI en algengast er þó að feldurinn sé hvítur að lit með gráum eða svörtum svæðum. Polski Owczarek Nizinny hundar fæðast ýmist með langt skott, stutt eða skottlausir.
Polski Owczarek Nizinny er líflegur en með góða sjálfstjórn, greindur, athugull og með mjög gott minni. Hann lagar sig vel a ð flestum aðstæðum, er góður félagi og hollur eiganda sínum. Hann er einstaklega góður vinnuhundur og getur t.d. séð einn um að smala litlum hópi af sauð fé þar sem hann getur tekið sjálfstæðar ákvarðanir. Hann hefur meðal annars reynst vel í hundafimi og hlýðni.
Polski Owczarek Nizinny er vinnuhundur í eðli sínu og þarfnast því mikillar hreyfingar. Hann þarf a ð hafa verk a ð vinna og finnast a ð hann komi að gagni. Hann getur lagað sig vel að aðstæðum, hvort sem hann býr í íbúð í Reykjavík eða úti á landi mun hann vera ánægður svo framarlega að hugur hans sé örvaður og hann fái næga hreyfingu.
Gott er að kemba feldinn reglulega til a ð fjarlægja laus hár og örva náttúrulegar olíur hundsins sem gefa aukinn gljáa. Til að ná sem mestum gljáa er gott að kemba hann í um 15 mínútur á dag. Ekki þarf að klippa feldinn eða snyrta á annan hátt.
Augustowska, Elzbieta (2001). Polish Lowland Sheepdog. Surrey: Interpet Publishing.
Polski Owczarek Nizinny á Íslandi
Tík af tegundinni var flutt inn í desember árið 2006 og er hún sú fyrsta sinnar tegundar hér á landi. Hún hefur nú fallið frá.
FCI-Standard Nº 251 / 07. 08. 1998 /GB
TRANSLATION: Mrs. Peggy Davis
ORIGIN: Poland
Date of Publication of the original valid standard: 07.08.1998
UTILIZATION: Easy to handle, he works like a sheepdog and guard dog. Moved to urban city life, he is a very good companion dog.
CLASSIFICATION F.C.I.: Group 1 Sheepdogs and Cattle Dogs (except Swiss Cattle Dogs) Section 1 Sheepdogs Without working trial.
GENERAL APPEARANCE : The Polish Lowland Sheepdog is a dog of medium size, compact, B, muscular, with a thick long coat. His well groomed coat gives an attractive and interesting appearance.
IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS : The proportions of height at withers to length of body is 9 : 10. The ratio length of muzzle to length of skull is 1 : 1; yet the muzzle can be a little shorter.
BEHAVIOUR AND TEMPERAMENT : Of a lively but tempered disposition, vigilant, agile, intelligent, perceptive and gifted with a good memory. Resistant to unfavourable climatic conditions.
HEAD : Medium dimension, proportional, not too heavy. The thick fur on the forehead, the cheeks and the chin give the head a look of being heavier than it really is.
CRANIAL REGION: Skull : Not excessively broad, slightly rounded. Frontal furrow and occipital protuberance noticeable. Stop: Well accentuated.
FACIAL REGION: Nose: As darks as possible in relation to the colour of the coat with large nostrils. Muzzle: B, blunt. Nasal bridge straight. Lips: Fitting well; their edges are of the same colour as the nose. Jaw/Teeth: strong jaws. Teeth B, with scissor or pincer bite.? Eyes: Medium size, oval, not protruding, hazel colour, with lively and piercing look. The rims of the eyelids are dark. Ears: Hanging, set rather high, of medium size, heart-shaped, wide at base; the fore edge is close against the cheeks; very mobile.
NECK : Of medium length, B, muscled, without dewlap, carried rather horizontally.
BODY: Out line: Rather rectangular than square. Withers: Well accentuated. Back: Flat, well muscled. Loin: Broad, well fused. Croup: Short, slightly truncated. Chest: Deep, of medium width; ribs quite well sprung, neither flat nor barrel-shaped. Underline and Belly: Outlining an elegant curve towards the hindquarters part.
TAIL: • Short tail or stumpy-tail, very shortly docked tail.• Undocked quite long and very hairy tail. At rest the tail is hanging; if the dog is alert, the tail is gaily curved over the back, never curled or lying on the back. Undocked tail of medium length, carried in different manners.
FOREQUARTERS : Seen in profile and from the front : Vertical and straight. Stance well balanced due to a strong skeleton (bone structure).Shoulders : Broad, of medium length, oblique, clean cut, very muscular. Pastern : Slightly slanting in relation to the forearm.? Forefeet : Oval, tight toes, slightly arched pads really hard. Nails short, as dark as possible.
HINDQUARTERS : Seen from behind: Vertical, well angulated.? Thigh: Broad, well muscled.? Hock: Well developed.? Hind feet: Compact, oval shape.
GAIT/ MOVEMENT : Easy and ground covering. Walk or trot smooth (without much vertical displacement). The dog often ambles when he walks slowly.
SKIN : Tight fitting, without any folds.
HAIR : The whole body covered with coarse hair, dense, thick, and profuse; soft undercoat. Straight or slightly wavy hair is acceptable. The hairs falling from the forehead cover the eyes in a characteristic manner.
COLOUR : All colours and patches are acceptable.
SIZE : Height at the withers :Males : 45 - 50 cm. Females : 42 - 47 cm. The dog must retain the type of a working dog; consequently his size must not go down below the standard; he must neither be to weak nor delicate.
FAULTS : Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.
N.B.: Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
Polski Owczarek Nizinny
Eins og nafnið gefur til kynna er upprunaland tegundarinnar Pólland. Polish Lowland Sheepdog er fremur sjaldgæf tegund og á ættir sínar að rekja til Hungarian Puli og annarra asískra fjárhunda eins og Tibetan Terrier. Smok z Kordegardy er einn frægasti hundurinn og er talinn „fa ð ir“ nútíma PONsins. Þ ar sem tegundin dó nærri þ ví út í seinni heimstyrjöldinni í Póllandi voru a ð eins fáir hundar eftir og var Smok nota ð ur til þ ess a ð koma tegundinni aftur á koppinn þ egar pólska hundaræktarfélagi ð var stofna ð ári ð 1948. Tegundin var mjög innræktu ð en útlit hennar hélst heildstætt, án nokkurra erf ð argalla.
Polski Owczarek Nizinny eru með alstórir hundar, u.þ.b. 16-18 kílógröm og 42–50 sentimetrar á hæð að herðakambi. Feldurinn er þeirra helsta einkenni en síð og gróf hár þekja allan líkamann. Allir litir eru leyfðir samkvæmt ræktunarmarkmiðum FCI en algengast er þó að feldurinn sé hvítur að lit með gráum eða svörtum svæðum. Polski Owczarek Nizinny hundar fæðast ýmist með langt skott, stutt eða skottlausir.
Polski Owczarek Nizinny er líflegur en með góða sjálfstjórn, greindur, athugull og með mjög gott minni. Hann lagar sig vel a ð flestum aðstæðum, er góður félagi og hollur eiganda sínum. Hann er einstaklega góður vinnuhundur og getur t.d. séð einn um að smala litlum hópi af sauð fé þar sem hann getur tekið sjálfstæðar ákvarðanir. Hann hefur meðal annars reynst vel í hundafimi og hlýðni.
Polski Owczarek Nizinny er vinnuhundur í eðli sínu og þarfnast því mikillar hreyfingar. Hann þarf a ð hafa verk a ð vinna og finnast a ð hann komi að gagni. Hann getur lagað sig vel að aðstæðum, hvort sem hann býr í íbúð í Reykjavík eða úti á landi mun hann vera ánægður svo framarlega að hugur hans sé örvaður og hann fái næga hreyfingu.
Gott er að kemba feldinn reglulega til a ð fjarlægja laus hár og örva náttúrulegar olíur hundsins sem gefa aukinn gljáa. Til að ná sem mestum gljáa er gott að kemba hann í um 15 mínútur á dag. Ekki þarf að klippa feldinn eða snyrta á annan hátt.
Augustowska, Elzbieta (2001). Polish Lowland Sheepdog. Surrey: Interpet Publishing.
Polski Owczarek Nizinny á Íslandi
Tík af tegundinni var flutt inn í desember árið 2006 og er hún sú fyrsta sinnar tegundar hér á landi. Hún hefur nú fallið frá.
FCI-Standard Nº 251 / 07. 08. 1998 /GB
TRANSLATION: Mrs. Peggy Davis
ORIGIN: Poland
Date of Publication of the original valid standard: 07.08.1998
UTILIZATION: Easy to handle, he works like a sheepdog and guard dog. Moved to urban city life, he is a very good companion dog.
CLASSIFICATION F.C.I.: Group 1 Sheepdogs and Cattle Dogs (except Swiss Cattle Dogs) Section 1 Sheepdogs Without working trial.
GENERAL APPEARANCE : The Polish Lowland Sheepdog is a dog of medium size, compact, B, muscular, with a thick long coat. His well groomed coat gives an attractive and interesting appearance.
IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS : The proportions of height at withers to length of body is 9 : 10. The ratio length of muzzle to length of skull is 1 : 1; yet the muzzle can be a little shorter.
BEHAVIOUR AND TEMPERAMENT : Of a lively but tempered disposition, vigilant, agile, intelligent, perceptive and gifted with a good memory. Resistant to unfavourable climatic conditions.
HEAD : Medium dimension, proportional, not too heavy. The thick fur on the forehead, the cheeks and the chin give the head a look of being heavier than it really is.
CRANIAL REGION: Skull : Not excessively broad, slightly rounded. Frontal furrow and occipital protuberance noticeable. Stop: Well accentuated.
FACIAL REGION: Nose: As darks as possible in relation to the colour of the coat with large nostrils. Muzzle: B, blunt. Nasal bridge straight. Lips: Fitting well; their edges are of the same colour as the nose. Jaw/Teeth: strong jaws. Teeth B, with scissor or pincer bite.? Eyes: Medium size, oval, not protruding, hazel colour, with lively and piercing look. The rims of the eyelids are dark. Ears: Hanging, set rather high, of medium size, heart-shaped, wide at base; the fore edge is close against the cheeks; very mobile.
NECK : Of medium length, B, muscled, without dewlap, carried rather horizontally.
BODY: Out line: Rather rectangular than square. Withers: Well accentuated. Back: Flat, well muscled. Loin: Broad, well fused. Croup: Short, slightly truncated. Chest: Deep, of medium width; ribs quite well sprung, neither flat nor barrel-shaped. Underline and Belly: Outlining an elegant curve towards the hindquarters part.
TAIL: • Short tail or stumpy-tail, very shortly docked tail.• Undocked quite long and very hairy tail. At rest the tail is hanging; if the dog is alert, the tail is gaily curved over the back, never curled or lying on the back. Undocked tail of medium length, carried in different manners.
FOREQUARTERS : Seen in profile and from the front : Vertical and straight. Stance well balanced due to a strong skeleton (bone structure).Shoulders : Broad, of medium length, oblique, clean cut, very muscular. Pastern : Slightly slanting in relation to the forearm.? Forefeet : Oval, tight toes, slightly arched pads really hard. Nails short, as dark as possible.
HINDQUARTERS : Seen from behind: Vertical, well angulated.? Thigh: Broad, well muscled.? Hock: Well developed.? Hind feet: Compact, oval shape.
GAIT/ MOVEMENT : Easy and ground covering. Walk or trot smooth (without much vertical displacement). The dog often ambles when he walks slowly.
SKIN : Tight fitting, without any folds.
HAIR : The whole body covered with coarse hair, dense, thick, and profuse; soft undercoat. Straight or slightly wavy hair is acceptable. The hairs falling from the forehead cover the eyes in a characteristic manner.
COLOUR : All colours and patches are acceptable.
SIZE : Height at the withers :Males : 45 - 50 cm. Females : 42 - 47 cm. The dog must retain the type of a working dog; consequently his size must not go down below the standard; he must neither be to weak nor delicate.
FAULTS : Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.
N.B.: Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.